Tuesday 2 December 2014

Ready to get going

Everything has been set up for starting again in Ireland. All the WiFi equipment is working, we have water again and it is slowly clearing to a normal transparent colour, my sewing machine is unpacked, the stash of fabrics in their boxes put in a corner, all bits and bobs needed for my bags along the wall on the floor and the ironing board ready in the next room.

Tuppy still feels very insecure here. She gained a lot of confidence in Scotland and would stay alone in a room for a while. Here she starts crying when I leave a room. It's like starting all over again. I hope she will get used to the place soon but up to than I will keep her with me whenever possible.

Quite happy under the trestle table as long as I am there as well.

All the essentials (well most of it!).

My stash of fabrics for the next two months.

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