Saturday, 16 May 2020

My landscape fabric pictures

I have not written in my blog for a long time. So much has happened in the last 12 months that I just did not find the time! However, the pandemic has changed things.

We normally spend a lot of time in our secondary home in the Alsace, France. However, as the border between France and Switzerland is now closed due to the corona pandemic, we are now spending all our time in Switzerland where we kept ourselves in social isolation.

Fortunately, contrary to a lot of other countries, we can got for long walks here. As we are living at the very outskirts of a village we can walk straight from our house and we hardly ever meet anybody. As we have only recently moved here it is a great way to get to know the area.

I always take photos and I have been translating these lately into landscape fabric pictures.

Here are my latest ones:

Solitary tree

Detail of tree

After the rain

Detail of trees 

Dilapidated shed

Detail of grass and flowers

Ruin in Baselland, Switzerland

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