Thursday, 5 October 2017

Celtic doodling and paper beads and a new begin!

We have more or less settled in again in this tiny cottage in Ireland and after a lot of sorting, cleaning, etc., I have at last been able to start doing my things again. Not as much as I would have liked to, however, because I have planned to start at a new venture: resin casting! I have not done this before but have read up a lot about it while we were still in France and Scotland where I could not do much because everything was either waiting for being packed into the car, or packed already!

So, I have started making some more paper beads which I will cover with resin before I start the casting.

I will make some more today and varnish them tomorrow together with a river stone that I painted with what I would like to call 'melting doodling'. 

I love this doodling. I can do this while watching TV in the evening. I just cannot sit in front of the TV and do nothing with my hands, so it's either doodling or playing  sudoku on my iPad!

This is the one I made this week and which is waiting for being varnished:

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